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Who's who

Here are just a few of the many people who lead various aspects of our work at St Mary's...
Sally   Nadine
Sally Moring - Vicar   Nadine Rose - Associate Priest
Sally became Vicar of Wendover and Halton is September 2017 having previously been in the Diocese of London. She leads the ministry team and has oversight of all that happens in the parish.  She is also a foundation governor at Wendover Church of England Junior school. 

The Vicarage phone number is 01296 696136 and you can email Sally by clicking here.
  After completing her curacy at Wychert Vale Benefice (6 churches between Thame and Aylesbury), Nadine joined St Mary's in November 2019 as Associate Priest.  Her role involves working with families, children and Nadine is passionate about ensuring all young people are given opportunities to build their confidence, self-esteem and life skills while having lots of fun.  
Rev'd Matthew Mug Shot   DavidBlackmoresmaller
Matthew Routledge - Curate   David Blackmore - Licensed Lay Minister
Matthew joined St Mary’s when he & his family moved to Wendover in 2002.  After a career in business, a few years ago he responded to God’s call and was ordained deacon in June 2022.   David works as a Licensed Lay Minister – preaching, leading services and being part of the ministry team. He is also a long-time supporter of Christian Aid (volunteer speaker and church fundraising coordinator), an Official Prison Visitor and an enthusiastic member of the Eco Church team.
Ian Sansbury   DGHQ Arbonne 03APR2018-208LR (
Ian Sansbury - Licensed Lay Minister   Sarah Frost - Lay Member of Ministry Team
Ian combines his ministry at St Mary’s as a Licensed Lay Minister with leading Mind Over Mountains, a mental health charity. He is married to Kyla and they have two teenage children, Adam and Emma.   Sarah is a lay member of our ministry team and has worshipped at St Mary’s since 2000. She sits on the Churchyard Care Committee and the Governance & Finance Committee. Sarah is also actively involved with local charities.
Peter Dean - Mug Shot   Sharon
Peter Dean - Churchwarden   Sharon Wilson - Churchwarden
Pete has been part of the St Mary’s community for around fifteen years and helped with communications before then also joining the PCC. He has now retired as a full-time academic and Associate Dean but continues with various consultancy activities in higher education. Pete and Juliette live in Dunsmore with horses, goats and cats.   Sharon & her husband Stuart moved to Wendover in January 2023 from London where they lived for 33years.  Their 3 adult sons now live independently in London/South East.  Both Stuart (a Professional Engineer) & Sharon (an Orthodontist) retired just prior to moving to Wendover and are enjoying settling into the Church & community in Wendover.
Edward-2018-e1533285843457   Helen-e1533285789722
Edward Blakeman - Director of Music   Helen Blakeman - Safeguarding Officer and Operations Manager of JUST
Edward is our Director of Music. He has recently retired from the role of commissioning and programme editor at BBC Radio 3, where his responsibilities included broadcast of the BBC Proms. Before joining the BBC, Edward freelanced as a flute player, writer and presenter, and was Head of the Wind Department at the London College of Music.   Helen has lived in Wendover since 1976 and been regularly involved in the life of St Mary’s. Her professional background is in schools’ music education and so singing at St Mary’s is very important. She took on the role of Parish Safeguarding Officer in 2016, and has been a Safeguarding trainer for St Mary’s and other local groups. In 2019, Helen took on the role of Operations Manager at “Just”, which had its challenges during periods of Covid-related closure.
Richard Williams - Treasurer    
Richard is a retired solicitor and is chair of governors at Aylesbury Grammar School.    

If you need to contact St Mary's, please visit the Contact Us page.

Hello and welcome to St Mary's. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit

A Warm Welcome! 

The following information is specifically for those planning to visit us for the first time, so that you know, beforehand, what to expect on a Sunday morning.

Where and When

We meet at St Mary's Church in Church Lane, Wendover, for our two main Sunday services each week, which start at 9.00am and 10.45am. For your first visit, we recommend arriving 10-15 minutes early to ensure you get a parking space and find somewhere to sit before the service begins. When you arrive, you will be greeted by someone on our Welcome Team.

Plan your journey


There is wheelchair access, and a sound loop for anyone who needs it. Please let one of the Welcome Team know on your arrival and they will help you to get set up. There are disabled toilets in the Church Centre, which you can find through the door towards the front of the church on the left hand side.

Our Main Sunday Services

Our 9am Holy Communion is a more traditional service, including music and hymns in an established style but using up-to-date language. It will probably appeal to those who are used to more formal Anglican worship.  There is no provision for children at this service.

Our 10.45am Sunday Worship services follow a more informal style with contemporary worship songs. These services are typically most suitable for families. Children of all ages are very welcome and we have activities for younger children at the back of church. On the second and fourth Sundays of each month, we share Communion at this service. The first and third Sundays do not include Communion and are designed to be rich in teaching and learning for people of all ages - from 2 to 92!

You can find details of our other services here.

Getting Connected

Small Groups

While Sundays are a great way to meet new people, it is often in smaller gatherings that you can really get to know someone. Being part of one of our small groups allows you to make new friends, share together and support each other. We have a variety of groups that meet throughout the week, some afternoons and some evenings. Check out our Church Life section on this website to see if there’s a group that you'd like to join, or we can put you in touch with a small group leader who will be more than happy to invite you along to their group.

Serving and Volunteering

If you want to get involved in the life of the church, why not sign up to serve on a team. We are always looking for volunteers to get involved in different aspects of our work.

Get in touch with us to plan your visit
If you would like to come and visit the church beforehand you are more than welcome! St Mary's is open every day from 9am to 6pm and you would be very welcome to come and have a look around before you come to a Sunday service. In the meantime, please fill in the form below if there is anything you'd like to know.
Email Address:
Comments / Questions or anything you would like to say?
We hope that whoever you are and wherever you come from, you will feel at home at our church.

Best Wishes,

Rev Sally Moring
